Saturday, July 9, 2011

If you want a great "guide to life" book...

I recently had an amazing job working with some amazing people where I was a Recruitment Coordinator in an HR Department. Long story short, I was laid off (sadly) but while I was there I got to meet some great people! One of them being, Maria Menounos! I got to spend a couple of minutes with her at the Fox Providence news station where she did a meet & greet with us. For those of you who may not know who or what Maria does, you can most likely find her on Access Hollywood every night sharing her experiences on fashion & life among many other things.
While meeting Maria, she gave everyone a copy of her newest book called, The Everygirl's Guide To Life." I obviously opened it right up and started reading about "how to's" on many different subjects. I have to say, it is a GREAT book to read if you are looking for some advice on beauty, health, relationships, careers, organizing your life and just so much more.

For the Mom on the go!

A quick 10 minute makeup application that any mom can do!

More than anybody I know what it feels like to be a mom, a mom on the go and wanting to look good while doing it! Let's face it.. Being a mom isn't easy and it's not a pretty job, but more than anything it's the BEST job. But for all you mom's who want to look just half way decent it doesn't take an hour or two to do so. And here's where i come in.
I'll give you some quick tips on how to look momtastic!

•First, wash your face with a good cleanser (that's right for your own skin)
•Follow up with a facial moisturizer with SPF 15
•Dot on some foundation (liquid or powder, your choice) and smooth it in with clean hands or a sponge
•Tap on some blush or brozer (to give you a refreshing glow!)
•Pick your favorite eye shadow, use your finger and smooth it over your eyelid
•Brush on some mascara (remember ladies, it's daytime out you don't need to look like lady gaga here!) :)
•Lastly, wip on a tinted lipbalm or lip gloss

And poof! Your a new woman and ready to rock on being the best mom you are looking fantastic too!!

What's in a name?

If you are a woman, chances are you have purchased at least one beauty product if not hundreds in your lifetime. Have you ever wondered just because that $4 lipstick or $8 mascara you bought was just a waste of money because it didn't have the "Estee Lauder" brand name printed on the front product? Most likely the answer is yes. We live in a world where brand names like Lancome, The Gap, Tommy Hilfiger and Clinique are everywhere and selling like crazy just because what; they serve some sort of purpose in life? What, because you aren't popular if don't buy that Abercrombie & Fitch shirt? Or spend $50 on that Lancome foundation? I can tell you why most Americans opt to buy the more expensive finer things in life. That's because we live in a world where fashion and social media are more important than just running down to your local CVS or Target and purchasing the less expensive items. Let me tell you something, I worked in Sephora and Macy's as a Beauty Consultant and Beauty Manager and have even freelanced for weddings so I know exactly how you ladies feel about buying that Loreal blush; it's just not good enough. Right?... Wrong! One of my most favorite skincare products is from Aveeno, which is sold at CVS, Target and RiteAid for under $10. It's not about the brand name of a product or how much it costs but it is about the quality of it and what it's going to do for you! Here's some of the hottest products you can find without breaking your budget and are just as good as those exspensive products.
•Maybelline New York SuperStay 24 hour lip color $10
•Neutrogena Micromist Sunless Tan $11
•Rimmel London day 2 night mascara $10
•MAC waterproof eyeliner $14
Hope this helped!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The real deal about sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most important part of your skincare regimen. Why? Well I'm glad you asked... Most of us really miss the importance of wearing sunscreen and it's probably because you've never been told the true facts about it. Here's some not so fun facts you need to know.
According to the American Skin Care Foundation, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. More than 3.5 million skin cancers in over two million people are diagnosed each year. Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer over a lifetime? Most skin cancers are associated with UV rays from the sun. Now you know a little bit about why you need sunscreen and what can happen if you don't use it.
Here's some tips and tricks you can do everyday that will help:
• Know that too much sun exposure can cause premature aging if not wearing at least SPF 15
• If you don't like layering products on your face there are facial moisturizers, foundations, eye creams and lipsticks all with SPF in them
• Manufactuers even make products with SPF for all different types of skin; dry, oily and combination. If you don't know what type of skin you have, most department stores like Macy's, Lord and Taylor and Sephora offer free skincare consultations
• Don't use facial moisturizers at night with sunscreen in them. They aren't made to be used 24 hours a day, they can aggrivate your skin and cause problems like blemishes and rashes.