Saturday, July 9, 2011

If you want a great "guide to life" book...

I recently had an amazing job working with some amazing people where I was a Recruitment Coordinator in an HR Department. Long story short, I was laid off (sadly) but while I was there I got to meet some great people! One of them being, Maria Menounos! I got to spend a couple of minutes with her at the Fox Providence news station where she did a meet & greet with us. For those of you who may not know who or what Maria does, you can most likely find her on Access Hollywood every night sharing her experiences on fashion & life among many other things.
While meeting Maria, she gave everyone a copy of her newest book called, The Everygirl's Guide To Life." I obviously opened it right up and started reading about "how to's" on many different subjects. I have to say, it is a GREAT book to read if you are looking for some advice on beauty, health, relationships, careers, organizing your life and just so much more.

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